Acupuncture Samantha Madeo Acupuncture Samantha Madeo

Trauma in Chinese Medicine

As we all know, the past week has put Boulder on the map nationwide. We are a small town. I think I can speak for most locals that "the list" was something we wanted to hear and also dreaded.

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Labs Samantha Madeo Labs Samantha Madeo

Reading EBV Labs

Epstein-Barr is one of the viruses that causes mono (the other is CMV). Contrary to popular belief, it can reactivate and you can in fact get mono more than once, or ongoing. It is related to or potentially the root cause of fibromyalgia, tremors, weakness, chronic fatigue and more.

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Acupuncture Samantha Madeo Acupuncture Samantha Madeo

Staying Prepared For Colorado Trails Through Winter

It's Colorado winter time! The trails in Boulder and beyond are cold, slippery, and muddy. These are the perfect ingredients for a delightful run for some Colorado movers but for others not so much, for me, depends on my mood but the snowy days can kink up my rhythm so this year finds me getting a gym membership to prevent slacking.

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