Mycotoxin Home & Testing Supplies

Promote your health with natural, easy, and affordable home tests and tools. These are excellent if you are renting, purchasing, or having to remain in compromised situations, or if you are healing and managing post-remediation.

“Dr. Sheila's experience and knowledge about mold toxicity helped me understand why my immune system was reacting so intensely. She recognized symptoms and created a detox and wellness regimen which created improvements almost immediately.” -D.J.

Home Monitoring and Management

Moisture Meter: Easy to use and affordable. Look for moisture fluctuations in the material AKA the wall or flooring etc. for location concerns.

Hygrometer: Maintain your indoor humidity below 50% for optimal building health. Ideal humidity is between 30-45% all year long, no matter your climate. I recommend having one on each floor or in different rooms because you’d be really surprised how these can differ.

Air Purification: A good unit not only can reduce spore counts but also relieve your inflammation of pollen, dust, wildfire pollution, chemicals, VOC’s and more. This is important for suppressed systems. It’s very wise to buy something that covers far more square footage than the space you are looking to filter so you are effectively purifying your space. Know that the square footage listed on units is from the highest (loudest) setting. Most of us don’t want to run these on full blast so you’ll want to factor in larger square footage to be effective on a lower setting Some tried and true brands: Alen Air (quiet/sleek space efficient design), Air Doctor (most affordable/a bit louder than Alen Air/sleek space efficient design), Austin Air (trusted/been around/bulky and heavier units)

Essential Oil Diffusers: A popular oil for this is Thieves blend, or anything citrus. Clove is another E/O to rotate or use occasionally. Careful if you have any pets. I would possibly advise against this around animals as their sense of smell is very strong and they can’t tell us if they have a headache or don’t feel well.

Fogging/BioBalance: Can be used post remediation or on a regular basis if remediation is not possible to help temporarily bring down exposure levels for your immune system.

Home Cleaning Supplies

Humble Suds: Very environmental all-natural Colorado based company using citrus E/O’s for laundry and cleaning supplies.

MicroBalance: Home/Laundry Cleaning Supplies. Lots of folks like the laundry additive and cleaning spray which can be used on nearly all surfaces. This helps deactivate mold VOC properties in clothing and surfaces. The laundry additive is great for sheets and towels, or after travel and staying in unknown conditions.

Building and Human Testing

Mycometrics: ERMI/Home testing. Dust samples.
Envirobiomics: ERMI/Home testing. Dust samples.
DIY Mold: Surface and tape samples. Excellent company if you have access to the questionable surface and would like confirmation.

Building Testing:

myMycoLab: Serum
Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plains Lab): Urine
Vibrant Wellness: Urine
Real Time Lab: Urine

Human Testing:

Additional Blood Testing:

Many states allow you to order and get your own labs. Check your state or call a few labs in your area. Colorado is one that allows for patient ordering. If you are located in the Boulder area, BCH (Boulder Community Hospital) is a lab that allows for walk-ins and ordering of your own bloodwork. They are also incredibly affordable. A CBC/CMP for example is under $30 at the time of this writing.
Relevant labs to consider:
CBC (red/white blood cell basics)
CMP (organ and substance basics)
Vit D (should be at least 50 in the results)

It’s even better to have these reviewed by a provider that sees these through a more functional lens. Often labs simply approximate parameters in the locale or what is seen in the masses but does not take into consideration what is really ideal or for a persons given situation. The above labs are very basic suggestions. Feel free to book a consult for more support.

Further Resources

Toxic: Book by Dr. Neil Nathan. Excellent book. Easy to follow and includes labs, symptoms, complications, and treatment suggestions.

Gupta Program: Has gotten many accolades for brain retraining from trauma and chronic conditions. 

My Chemical-Free House: An exhaustive site by certified Building Biologist Corrine Segura. She covers everything from flooring options to mattresses that are low to no VOC and best options for mold/chemical free homes. 

Planetary Health Alliance: A collaboration of transdisciplinary fields and specialists from professors to doctors to scientists to collectively discuss and address human impacts on Earth and human health. Excellent resource with free materials relating to Lyme and other stealth infections. 

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