Boulder Integrative Health, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Meet Dr. Sheila Liewald, D.A.C.M., L.AC.
In my core acupuncture training I studied orthopedic/sports acupuncture under one of the earliest and most proficient sports needlers in the industry, Whit Reaves. This included trigger point local acupuncture (dry needling) and traditional acupuncture (meridian). I went on to help teach trigger point needling for many years…
...I also have Lyme which ushered a developed “knack” for understanding Lyme, mold, and other “fringe” ailments such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and MCAS…..

No Mud, No Lotus. – Thich Nhat Hanh
Your health is your most valuable and priceless asset. Health speaks many languages and has many speeds. Sometimes it’s terse and fast-paced. Western medicine speaks this language very well. Few things can “work” faster than surgery or a pill. They can also be life-saving. But are they healing? Healing is yet another language well-being speaks. Healing is often speaking a more still and subtle language. It is here where transformation happens, not just the transactions of medical care. I resonate with integrative medicine because I find most instances necessitate some combination of medical “languages”.
That said, you are also likely here because you are in a healthcare pickle, so let’s get you out of that.
“If you do not change direction,
you may end up where you are heading” - Lao Tzu
You are here because…
How you are feeling is not your norm and settling with this feels even less normal.
Keeping the magic in science and the science in magic.

Explore the digital courses
Free Air Filtration Course
This video is a free short course and comes with a PDF buyers cheat sheet to download. It covers types of air filters from charcoal to UV lights and what they can filter. The last thing anyone wants to do is invest in the wrong filtration rendering it ineffective or partially effective.
Mold & Mycotoxins Course
This class is will be extremely thorough in addressing mold and toxicity. It will start by covering topics from mold basics and behavior, building basics, moisture understandings, remediation and mitigation basics, and more. Finally, it will cover health impacts, complications, and an overview of testings and treatment approaches.
Epstein-Barr Virus Course
This course covers EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) and the connections to conditions such as chronic fatigue, Lyme, mold, or fibromyalgia. Great for clinicians or patients to understand labs, symptoms, treatments, causes, and so much more.
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Get grounded.
Recover faster.
Feel less pain.
Feel less fragmented.
Stay rooted.
Have some questions? Reach out here.